Hepatitis Types, Treatment and Get Well

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Hepatitis Types, Treatment and Wellness

Hepatitis Types, Treatment and Get Well


Inflammation of the liver is called hepatitis. It can also be caused by viral infections, alcohol consumption, various health conditions, and some medications. Treatment depends on the type and underlying cause. Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver. Viral infections are often the cause, but there are other possible causes of hepatitis.

Those consist of autoimmune hepatitis and the disease that takes place due to drugs, toxins, and alcohol. When the body makes antibodies against liver tissues, it creates an autoimmune disease known as hepatitis. Five major viral classifications of the disease are hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. The virus that causes each type of viral hepatitis is different. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 354 million people worldwide currently have chronic hepatitis B and C.https://www.who.int/health-topics/hepatitis#tab=tab_1

Hepatitis Types, Treatment and Wellness
Hepatitis Types, Treatment, and Wellness, Liver with HAV, HBV  infection and close-up view of HBV Viruses

Type of Hepatitis

Hepatitis A

It is due to the infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). This kind of disease is an acute, short-term contamination. https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/hepatitis/

Hepatitis B

It is caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV). This is often an ongoing chronic disease. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are approximately 826,000 people in the United States. About 257 million people worldwide have chronic hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C

It is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV is one of the most common blood-borne viral infections in the United States and usually has a long course. About 2.4 million Americans are currently living with a chronic form of the infection, according to the CDC.

Hepatitis D

This is a rare form of disease that occurs only in association with a hepatitis B infection. Virus (HDV), like other strains, causes liver inflammation. But you can’t get HDV without a hepatitis B infection. Worldwide, nearly 5% of HDV patients are affected by chronic hepatitis B.

Hepatitis E

It is a water-borne disease due to exposure to the hepatitis E virus (HEV). This occurs mainly in areas with poor sanitation. It is usually caused by ingesting feces that contaminate water supplies. The disease is rare in the United States, according to the CDC. Although it is usually acute, it is hazardous for pregnant women.

Causes of Hepatitis

Type of Disease                        Common route of infection

Hepatitis A                                  Exposure to HAV in food or water

Hepatitis B                                   Exposure to HBV in bodily fluids such as blood, vaginal fluid,

and semen.

Hepatitis C                                 Exposure to HCV in bodily fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids,

and semen.

Hepatitis D                                 Exposure to blood containing HDV

Hepatitis E                                  Exposure to HEV in food or water

Causes of Non-Infectious Hepatitis

It is most commonly an infection, but other factors can also cause it.

Alcohol and Other Toxins

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver damage and inflammation. This is also called “alcoholic hepatitis.” Because liver cells are directly damaged by alcohol, permanent damage can occur over time, leading to thickening or scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis) and liver failure. Other toxic causes of disease include drug abuse and exposure to toxins.

Autoimmune Response

Sometimes, the immune system mistakenly believes the liver is damaged and attacks it. This leads to inflammation that ranges from mild to severe and often impairs liver function. It occurs three times more often in women than in men.

Common Symptoms of Hepatitis

If you have chronic hepatitis, such as HBV or HCV, symptoms may not appear until the damage affects liver function. In contrast, people with acute hepatitis may develop symptoms soon after being infected with the virus. The most common symptoms of infectious hepatitis are:

  • Malaise
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Dark urine
  • Pale stools
  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • It can cause yellowing of the skin and eyes, a sign of jaundice.

How to Diagnose 

Understanding the cause of hepatitis is important for proper treatment. Your doctor will perform a series of tests to diagnose your condition accurately.

Medical History and Physical Examination

To diagnose any form of disease, doctors first take a medical history to identify possible risk factors. During the physical examination, the doctor may gently press on the abdomen to determine whether there is pain or tenderness. The doctor may also check for swelling of the liver and yellowness of the eyes and skin.

Liver Function Test

Liver function tests use blood samples to determine how efficiently the liver is working. Abnormal results from these tests are the first clues to a problem. Especially, if a physical examination shows no signs of liver disease. High levels of liver enzymes can indicate that the liver is stressed, damaged, or not working properly.

Other Blood Tests

If your liver function tests are abnormal. Your doctor may order more blood tests to identify the cause of the problem. These tests can determine whether you have infectious hepatitis. He will be checking for the presence of the hepatitis virus and the antibodies that your body makes to fight hepatitis. Doctors may also do blood tests to check for signs of autoimmune hepatitis.

Liver Biopsy

When diagnosing hepatitis, doctors also check the liver for damage. A liver biopsy is a procedure to take a tissue sample from the liver. Doctors can use a needle to remove this sample from the liver, eliminating the need for surgery. The procedure typically uses an ultrasound scan for guidance. This test allows doctors to determine how infection or inflammation is affecting the liver.


Abdominal ultrasonography uses ultrasound waves to make pictures of the organs inside the abdomen. This test allows doctors to take a closer look at the liver and surrounding organs. It can reveal:


  • Liver tumors, Fluid in the abdomen, Liver damage or enlarged liver, Gallbladder abnormalities

In some cases, the pancreas can be seen on ultrasonography. This is a test that helps identify the cause of liver dysfunction.

 Treatment  Options

Treatment options depend on the type of hepatitis and whether the infection is acute or chronic.

Hepatitis A

It is a short-term condition and may not require treatment. However, bed rest may be necessary when symptoms are severe additionally, if you have vomiting or diarrhea. Your doctor may recommend a dietary program to replenish fluids and nutrients.

Hepatitis B

No specific treatment is available for acute HBV. However, for chronic hepatitis B, antiviral drugs are needed. This form of therapy must be continued for months or years, so it can be expensive. Treatment of chronic HBV also requires regular medical evaluation and monitoring. This is to determine if the virus is responding to treatment.

Hepatitis C

Antiviral drugs can treat both acute and chronic forms of HCV. People who develop chronic hepatitis C usually use a combination of antiviral drugs. Further tests may be needed to determine the best treatment. People who develop cirrhosis or liver disease from chronic hepatitis C may be candidates for liver transplantation.

Hepatitis D

WHO listed pegylated interferon-alpha as a treatment drug for hepatitis D. Anyhow, this drug may impart serious side effects. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with cirrhosis, psychiatric disorders, or autoimmune diseases.

Hepatitis E

There are currently no specific treatments available to treat hepatitis E. It usually resolves itself due to its acuteness. Doctors usually advise people with this infection to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, eat good nutrition, and avoid alcohol. However, pregnant women who develop this infection require close monitoring and care.

Autoimmune hepatitis

Corticosteroids such as prednisone and budesonide are very important in the early treatment of autoimmune hepatitis. They work for about 80% of people with this condition. Azathioprine, a drug that suppresses the immune system, may also be part of the treatment program. You can use this with or without steroids. Other immunosuppressants, such as mycophenolic acid, tacrolimus, and cyclosporine, can also be used in place of azathioprine in therapy.

Tips to Prevent Hepatitis

Some vaccines help protect against many hepatitis viruses. Minimizing the risk of exposure to substances containing these viruses can also be an important preventive measure.https://fusionwords.com/liver-health-tips-for-your-healthy-and-happy-life/


Doctor injecting vaccine hepatitis
Doctor injecting vaccine hepatitis

There is a hepatitis A vaccine that helps prevent infection with HAV. The hepatitis A vaccine consists of two doses and most children start vaccination between 12 and 23 months of age. It is also available for adults and may also include the hepatitis B vaccine. The CDC recommends that all newborns be vaccinated.

Doctors usually give three vaccinations during the first six months of infancy. The CDC also recommends vaccines for all health and medical workers. Vaccination against hepatitis B also prevents hepatitis D. There is currently no vaccine against hepatitis C or hepatitis E.

 Reduce Exposure

Contact with body fluids transmits hepatitis viruses from one person to another. Whether through water or food containing infectious agents. Minimizing exposure to these substances can prevent exposure to the hepatitis virus. Effective hygiene is one way to avoid contracting hepatitis A and E. Potent hygiene is necessary to avoid contracting hepatitis A and E. Viruses that cause these diseases can be present in water. When traveling to countries where hepatitis is endemic, avoid:

  • Local water, Ice, raw or undercooked shellfish and oysters, raw fruits and vegetables

You could lessen your danger of coming into contact with fluids containing those viruses by way of:

  • No longer sharing needles
  • Now not sharing razors
  • No longer the use of someone else’s toothbrush
  • Now, not touching spilled blood

Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through sexual intercourse and sexual contact. The use of barrier techniques, together with condoms and dental dams. At some stages of denial sexual hobbies can help decrease the risk of infection.

Complications of Hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis B or C can result in extreme fitness troubles. Because the virus affects the liver, people with chronic hepatitis B or C are susceptible to:

  • Chronic liver disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Liver and most cancers

While your liver stops functioning normally, liver failure can occur.

Complications of liver failure include:

  • Bleeding disorders
  • A buildup of fluid in your stomach, known as ascites
  • Increased blood strain in the portal veins that enter your liver, referred to as portal hypertension
  • Kidney failure
  • Hepatic encephalopathy, which may contain fatigue, memory loss, and diminished intellectual skills
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma, which is a form of liver cancer,
  • Death

Hepatitis B, C, and D viruses can be transmitted through contact with bodily fluids containing these infectious agents.

People with chronic hepatitis B and C should avoid alcohol because it can promote liver disease and liver failure. Certain dietary supplements and medications can also impair liver function. If you have chronic hepatitis B or C, talk to your doctor before taking any new medication.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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