Good Sleep Routine Provides a Healthier and Productive Life
We’ve got all those ridiculous phrases like “good to sleep early and good to rise early makes you healthy, rich, and smart” — it’s just not true. Your biological clock is genetically determined. Morning people are morning people, and evening people are evening people. I’m an early riser, so I usually get up between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m..

I need about seven hours of sleep. But depending on the person, it ranges from six to nine hours of sleep. Getting sufficient sleep is important and he tries to get up every day simultaneously. Laying down on the weekends is the easiest way to disrupt your circadian rhythm. Which essentially causes jet lag, which disrupts your sleep cycle and internal processes.
Wake Up and Breakfast Earlier to Get Much Out of Your Time
I’m on a time-restricted 16:8 diet [no food for 16 hours. Then lots of food for eight hours. This means I usually have breakfast around 10 am eat before 6 pm and have dinner. I drink coffee (black, without milk) during the day for breakfast or just before. There should be at least six hours between drinking coffee and sleeping. Drink two or three cups a day if you like, but stop at midday.
Get outdoor walks as a mental break
Natural light is extremely important for controlling our circadian rhythm. An abnormality in our body clock can increase the risk of health problems – from cardiovascular disease to weight gain. So I make sure I get at least three flashes of natural light everyday light. I don’t wear sunglasses because they would reduce the amount of light I get by 7x. In the office, I make sure to sit by the window to get some light.
I also use these walks as a mental break from the phone. One of the biggest problems these days is that the only way we can stop is when we go to bed. So your mind is working at full capacity because of the default mode network. The part of the brain responsible for mental chatter hasn’t had a chance to catch up. We used to dream on the way to work or whatever. Nowadays, every moment is filled with our calls, social networks, or messages. So when we go to sleep, our network starts to work in standard mode. It’s important to build in easy breaks to just do nothing.
Evening Exercises Prepare Your Body for Good Sleep
Movement is extremely important to help us fall asleep. If it’s a busy day for me, this exercise requires 20-30 minutes of walking; otherwise, I can run or lift weights. Studies show that most people are stronger between 4 and 6 p.m. when body temperature is at its highest. This is when your body is most flexible and your muscles are warmest, and you get the most out of it.
I won’t exercise late because it wakes me up when I need to relax. When I’m watching TV, I try to get out of a yoga mat and stretch out a bit. Lying on your back for long hours at night can cause pain, so a gentle stretch at the end of the day helps physically prepare your body for good sleep.
Dinner Should Contain Nutrients That Help You Sleep
We’re designed to digest during the day, so our gut settles down at night. I try to eat before 6 p.m., as this food takes about five hours to digest. If you eat later in the evening, your digestive system is still working at full capacity while your sleep system is trying to get going, which can impact your sleep.
You can look for foods that contain nutrients that help you sleep, like magnesium (like whole grains) or tryptophan (like chicken), but I’m not advocating that. It can become a little obsessive and cause further sleep problems. Rather, people ate a healthy, balanced diet rather than trying to regulate chemicals.
Put Your Screens Away in Time Before You Go to Sleep
At least two hours before bed, I black out the room, turn off the overhead lights, turn on the side lights, and dim the appliances. It is based on the evolutionary legacy of our sunrise and sunset alignment. A woman surfing social media late at night lying in bed internet is addicted. Light stimulates awakening.
The blue light from the sun has the same wavelength as through screens. So phoning in bed is like having some sun in front of your face. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that what you eat before bed affects your brain’s ability to calm down rest and sleep. //
Last Thought
When you read stressful news or receive business emails – something stressful, upsetting, or exciting – this content and light will stimulate your brain and keep you awake. I try to turn off the devices an hour or two before bed and then sit down with a good book slowly getting a good sleep.