How to Support Your Mental Health

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How to Support Your Mental Health,social media support



There are hundreds of self-help books, online experts, and social media trends telling you how to support your mental health. But do they work? While some can make a big difference in your mental health. Some are more made-up than true. So what’s the best way to find out what works and improves mental health? Follow the science. We’ve handpicked the best ideas for dealing with anxiety. Researched the ways of improving your mood.

How to Support Your Mental Health,social media support
How to Support Your Mental Health, social media support

Tips to Support Your Mental Health

Ignore Doomsdays on Social Media

Social media is supposed to be fun in theory but often leaves us feeling sad. But is it true? Well, scientists aren’t sure. Recently, people have claimed that playing video games causes violent acts. We have been convinced after many years that there is no link between gambling and violent tendencies. It was a panic back then. People are worried about social media being the new panic.

 Role of Social Media

The social media companies don’t share the data, causing this fear. It makes us unsure if there is a connection between social media and grief. The best advice right now is to judge for yourself. How you feel on social media. If you feel better during and after the application, continue. If you’re feeling down, taking a break is a positive thing to do.

Breathe Better

In the old classics, the first advice we often hear. If life gets a little too stressful, take a deep breath. This looks to be a good and considerable reason for this. According to a psychology professor. Deep breathing is “the most accurate drug you can give yourself without side effects.”He also points out that it is very discreet. “You can do it in a meeting. No one needs to know you’re doing it,” he says. Deep breaths, especially long exhale. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Which acts like a brake to calm the body. If you take long, deep breaths through your diaphragm. This will slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure and anxiety levels.

Deep Breathing

It is also an effective pain management method. Chronic pain is closely related to stress. Therefore, learning “controlled breathing” to manage both is an important part of treatment. Part of the reason is that pain and stress have similar effects on the body. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase. Your breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and your muscles tense.

Deep Breathing, Stress 

When you are in a state of chronic stress or pain. your nervous system is on constant alert, and your muscles are in constant tension. It’s not just your body. Stress and pain increase levels of stress hormones. This keeps your brain in a constant state of alertness.

Pain Management

You become more sensitive to pain signals and more conscious to perceive them. One way to break this vicious circle is through breathing exercises. One breathing technique you can try is the 4-2-4. Inhale 4 times, hold 2 times, and exhale 4 times. Repeat this process at least 10 times.

Strengthen your microbiome, This will support your mental health

A healthy microbiome contributes greatly to this. But what does this mean in practice? Human cells produce less than half of what you call “you.” The rest are the trillions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. They live throughout your gut, skin, and tissues, collectively called your microbiome. You need them to digest food and play a role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

A healthy Gut Biome Means a Healthy Mind

They need an apartment, so they need you. Current research suggests that a healthy gut biome means a healthy mind. There is a direct relationship between a strong gut biome and well-being. Scientists have provided evidence of this connection. By dubbing it the “microbiome-gut-brain axis.

Gut Microbiome and Probiotics

Furthermore, altering the gut microbiome by administering probiotics (dietary supplements containing live bacteria) and prebiotics (fiber supplements that encourage bacterial growth) improves the stress response. It has been shown that it can reduce anxiety and relieve stress. Also, reduces the effects of other psychological stress problems.

Reduction of fear with yoga will support your mental health

Indeed, yoga is an activity known for its calming effects. But even if happy people appeared, would science follow? Yes!   Well, to some extent. Yoga is effective in the short term in treating generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is a chronic condition that causes fear of various situations and problems. However, not as effective as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), scientists say. CBT is a form of talk therapy that can help patients deal with negative thoughts. It deals with overwhelming problems in positive ways.

Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Although therapy is a better solution in the long term. It is not for everyone, and yoga can be a great alternative. One of the study’s authors, a professor of psychiatry, said, “Generalized anxiety disorder is a very common condition. Yet many people are unwilling or unable to seek evidence-based treatment.”

“Our results suggest that safe and widely practiced yoga may improve symptoms in some people with this disease. It may be a valuable tool in an overall treatment regimen,” it shows. In this study, participants completed a Kundalini yoga practice. This involves various strengthening poses, breathing techniques, relaxation exercises, and meditation.

They found that 54 percent of participants in the yoga group experienced improvement in symptoms. This is compared to 33 percent in the group that frequently received tips and suggestions to reduce stress. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered the gold standard for treating GAD. But for those who do not wish to consider talk therapy as an option. Alternative interventions, such as yoga, may help manage the symptoms.

Out in The Garden

Improving your mental health doesn’t necessarily mean changing your diet or exercise habits. It can be as simple as going out in the garden. A study found that gardening as little as two to three times a week was enough. It will reap the greatest benefits of increased well-being and lower stress levels. Those who gardened daily were 6.6 percent happier. They had 4.2 percent lower stress levels than those who never gardened.

Gardening a Positive Move

This is the first time a “dose-response” in horticulture has been examined, and the overwhelming evidence. The more you garden, the better your health, said lead author and health scientist at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). It suggests that the benefits of “gardening every day have the same positive effects on our health. It is positive, as regular vigorous physical activity, such as biking or running. This shifts our focus away from ourselves and stress. It restores our spirits and reduces negative emotions.

According to a study published in the Journal of Health. Frequent gardening (at least two to three times a week) is thought to provide the greatest health benefits.

The use of healthier foods can support mental health

I’m sure this is a classic phrase you’ve heard from your parents. Whether you’re sick, tired, or just not feeling well. Your mother is, as always, in the right place when it comes to the question. So what did you eat? The food we put into our bodies has a huge impact on how happy we are. A variety of foods have a positive effect on our gut, brain power, and overall mood. So what foods should you put in your shopping cart? I don’t have a setlist. But here are some specific foods to consider.

How to Support Your Mental Health, a healthy food display
How to Support Your Mental Health, a healthy food display

Fermented food

Unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, blue cheese, raw yogurt, miso, tempeh, fermented pickles, and kombucha all help increase the diversity of beneficial microbes in your gut. As mentioned above. Healthy microbes are key to our overall health. They include their impact on mental health and anxiety.

Consume Tea, coffee, and dark chocolate to support your mental health

Small amounts of tea, coffee, and dark chocolate can be healthy. These are rich in polyphenols that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and promote blood flow. Polyphenols impart a protective effect on the brain. Tea reduces anxiety and even improves memory and attention.

Leafy Vegetables

Swiss chard, kale, collards, spinach, and watercress are rich in various nutrients. Those are beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin K, and magnesium. which are involved in brain and nervous system function.

Raw, Unsalted Nuts

Nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and walnuts are valuable sources of polyphenols. When these are digested by gut bacteria. They produce phenolic acids that protect the brain by reducing inflammation and oxidation.

 Fatty Fish

Fish such as salmon, mackerel, anchovies, trout, herring, and sardines are rich sources of omega-3. Omega-3 fats are essential for healthy brain structure and function. There is evidence that it may help people with mild cognitive impairment and depression. We require omega-3 fats from our food. You can do this by eating 1-2 servings of fatty fish per week. We can take a DHA or EPA supplement. This will support your mental health.

Consumption of  Processed Foods

Diet plays a huge role in supporting mental health. So let’s get back to that. As the foods we eat become more and more processed. We have to contend with a new enemy: highly processed foods. Foods are divided into several processing groups. The earliest groups had completely untouched food. These are raw fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, milk, grains, etc. In between are honey, sugar, cured meats, cheese, and other foods.

Types of Processed Foods

However, the highly processed food category includes mass-produced bread, breakfast cereals, sodas, ready-to-eat pizzas, and many other foods. The UK is now the European leader in UPF consumption.  55% of the daily calories for a UK adult come from mainly baked goods (cakes and biscuits), confectionery, and processed meats. Americans slightly outnumber Britons. They consume highly processed foods and beverages providing 57 percent of their daily calories. But food processing has brought many good things.

Processed Foods Benefits and Losses 

For consumers, food with a longer shelf life is cheaper. UPF is convenient to prepare and eat, and it is naturally delicious. Therefore, what’s the trouble? Sugars and fats are added to extend the shelf life and palatability of UPF. Which can negatively impact metabolism, glycemic control, and brain health. Finally, and most important. The convenience of these foods means that more nutritious and harder-to-prepare foods are increasingly being eliminated from our diets.

You won’t die from a jar of pumpkin. But there are good reasons to be concerned. These foods make up a large portion of our diet. This is because brain-healthy nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fats, and fiber are lost during processing.


  1. Q: How can social media affect our mental health? The direct link between social media and mental health is still uncertain. It’s important to pay attention to how you feel while using it. If social media makes you feel better, continue using it. However, if it brings you down, taking a break can be beneficial.
  2. Q: What are some effective breathing techniques for reducing anxiety? Deep breathing exercises. These are the 4-2-4 technique (inhaling for 4 counts, holding for 2 counts, and exhaling for 4 counts). It can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and help calm the body. This technique can be repeated at least 10 times for maximum benefits.
  3. Q: How does the gut microbiome impact support mental health? The gut microbiome consists of trillions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. They play a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system and overall well-being. Research suggests that a healthy gut biome is linked to an improved stress response and reduced anxiety.
  4. Q: Can yoga support reduce fear and anxiety? Yoga is effective in the short term for treating generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is a chronic condition characterized by fear and overwhelming problems. While cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) remains the gold standard for long-term treatment. Yoga can be a valuable alternative for those who prefer a non-talk therapy approach.
  5. Q: How does gardening contribute to better mental health? Engaging in gardening activities a few times a week has been shown to significantly improve well-being and reduce stress levels. Gardening serves as a pleasant distraction, shifting our focus away from stress and negative emotions. Thereby restoring our spirits.

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