1. Eggs, Proteins Rich Power Bomb

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Eggs, Proteins Rich Power Pack



Proteins are part of a healthy diet. These are groups of chemicals. They are building blocks, known as amino acids. Your body consumes amino acids to form and maintain muscles and bones and to generate hormones and enzymes. It can be an energy source for our bodies. Proteins play various roles in our bodies. It helps repair and build body tissues. Enables metabolic reactions, and regulates body functions. Proteins not only provide the structural framework for the body. But they also maintain proper pH and fluid balance. They keep our immune system strong, transport and store nutrients. Proteins serve as a source of energy when needed. These functions make proteins one of the most important nutrients for our health.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9316657/

Eggs,Proteins rich power pack
Eggs, Proteins rich power pack

Eggs, Proteins, are Nutritional Powerhouse

There is one staple that I never use. It’s a nutritional powerhouse, but it doesn’t get the credit it deserves—a step forward, humble eggs. I like to eat a few times most days, but many people still treat them with caution. That’s because eggs had a bit of an image problem for a while. We thought they raised cholesterol (more on that later). But it is not bad for us; eggs pack nutritional value beyond their weight in conveniently portioned bowls.https://www.eggs.ca/nutrition/view/18/fuel-up-on-protein-with-eggs

Eggs are a Good Proteins Source

Eggs provide over 25% of your daily selenium, an antioxidant linked to a lower cancer risk. About 20% of Vitamin B12 helps fight fatigue. It also contains botanicals such as lutein and zeaxanthin (essential for eye health). Many vegetables also contain these nutrients. But our bodies absorb them better from eggs. It is due to their fat solubility. The yolks help dissolve it best and facilitate its absorption. Eggs are also an excellent source of protein. There is a common misconception that the diet is rich in protein. Many older people in particular do not get enough of it.

A 2020 study found that less than 50% were consuming the recommended amount of protein per day. Which is 0.75g per kg of body weight. For an average woman weighing 60kg, that means 45g per day. 56g for an average man weighing 75kg. (For reference, 100g of chicken breast provides about 30g of protein.)

 The problem is that many people think that protein guidelines are too low. Only 15% of people were close to that type of intake. Their breakfast is particularly low in protein, and boiled eggs were the perfect solution.

Egg proteins convert into Amino acids

Eggs contain about 6g of protein, and just a few eggs a day are more than a quarter of the daily needs of an average-sized woman. Nine essential amino acids are required for muscle and tissue repair, and hormone production, and this substance contains them all. The body cannot manufacture these amino acids. It must come from the diet. However, if you’re over 65, spread your intake throughout the day.        As we age, proteins need to be broken down into amino acids. Not “feeding” more protein regularly slows down this process. It’s like throwing another log into the fire to keep it burning.

So if he eats a high-protein meal only once a day, chances are his body isn’t using it effectively. Eggs are great for being consumed as part of a meal or as a snack to increase intake throughout the day. Another important nutrient found in eggs is choline. Some experts are concerned about the lack of relevance of the diet. In fact, in 2019, the British Medical Journal published the question, “Can we miss a possible choline crisis?” You may not have heard of it, but choline supports many important functions in the brain. It helps with memory and mood.

The production of red blood cells involves this, helping to combat fatigue, and it supports liver function.   Women need more choline during pregnancy and breastfeeding (it helps the baby’s brain develop). Worryingly, many women I see in the doctor’s office don’t get even half the recommended amounts. As you can imagine, eggs are the best source of choline. Fish, poultry, and dairy products are also valuable sources. I don’t think this choline deficiency is unique to my client. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey, an ongoing government-commissioned survey to assess the intake of various nutrients, does not include choline.

Therefore, we cannot estimate the number of people who have insufficient intake. Men need 550 mg per day, and non-pregnant women need 425 mg. In addition, one egg provides about 150 mg. This is a useful amount. But how about the elephant in the room?

Eggs,Proteins and energy pack

Eggs, Proteins Rich Power Pack

Eggs and Cholesterol

Eggs are indeed high in cholesterol, and it wasn’t long ago that doctors would advise anyone with raised cholesterol levels to avoid them. But we now know that cholesterol found naturally in foods (‘dietary’ cholesterol) doesn’t tend to raise levels in our blood significantly (unless you have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol or familial hypercholesterolemia).

This is because the liver makes all the cholesterol it needs. Eating high-cholesterol foods stops that process. It’s saturated fats and ultra-processed foods that raise our cholesterol. They turn off receptors in the liver that help remove cholesterol, causing it to build up in the blood.

Some studies have shown that people who eat a lot of eggs have a higher risk of heart disease. These studies also show that people who eat a lot of eggs tend to eat a lot of red meat as well. Analysis shows that when red meat is left out of the equation, the risk tends to disappear. As for Salmonella, this is not a problem, as Lion Sign eggs come from chickens that have been vaccinated against the bacteria.

Eggs and Inflammation

Another misconception about eggs is that they promote inflammation. The idea stems from the fact that they contain a fatty acid called arachidonic acid. Which is associated with inflammation. The internet is full of people suggesting that eliminating eggs from your diet may help with arthritis and more. Yes, but the science says otherwise. A 2019 review of 21 studies published in the Journal of Food and Agriculture found no link between egg consumption and inflammation.https://fusionwords.com/what-spice-is-good-for-inflammation/

Final Word

Finally, are free-range eggs worth the extra money? I am all for free-range eggs, both for the welfare of the egg-laying hens and the health benefits of the eggs themselves. Studies have shown that it contains more nutrients. It’s a win-win situation because happier chickens produce more nutritious eggs!

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