How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections

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How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections



Peeing is part of everyday life. It is a necessary function for the body to eliminate unwanted waste products. Therefore, today I will discuss an important issue, how to avoid urinary tract infections. Certain bad habits can lead to various urinary and bladder problems in the short and long term. Some of the most common mistakes people make, according to urologists.

Holding Pee Increases Urinary Infection Chances

Sometimes holding your pee is unavoidable. We’ve all had to ignore nature’s call for long drives, movies, or concerts. It can lead to other problems, he says, such as “Imagine a stagnant pond. Water allows algae and bacteria to grow, says Dr. Evan Gold Fischer, President of the National Nonprofit Urological Association (LUPGA). Likewise, a full bladder can harbor bacteria, making you more susceptible to infection.

How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections
How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections

Contrary to popular belief, urine is not sterile. That’s why drinking water or urinating when your bladder is full is important. So you don’t spill anything out of it. Prolonged retention of urine can lead to excessive bladder distension and loss of bladder function. Like an old rubber band, an overstretched bladder can return to its original shape. On the other hand, if you cannot hold urine at all or if you leak urine frequently. You may have urinary incontinence and should see a urologist or pelvic floor therapist.

Not Fully Emptying Your Bladder And Urinary Infection

If you don’t empty your bladder when you pee (if you’re in a hurry, for example). You increase your risk of a urinary tract infection and can cause your bladder to stretch, says Goldfisher. However, incomplete bladder emptying is not always intentional. The condition is called urinary retention. It can be acute, severe, or chronic and progresses slowly over time, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Causes of urinary retention include constipation, certain medications, infections, and swelling. Can be neuropathy problems with the nerves that send signals between the brain and bladder, says Winter. Consult your doctor or urologist. According to the National Institutes of Health, symptoms of urinary retention include pain and swelling in the lower abdomen. Frequent and small urination, needing to pee after urination, and slow urine flow.

How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections
How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections

Overactive Bladder and “Small Bladder” Confusion

“Most people who say they have a small bladder have normal bladders and have pain,” says Winter. We are talking about the threshold of an Overactive bladder. It is defined as urinating more than 8–9 times a day. But it varies from person to person depending on age, lifestyle, medical conditions, and other factors. “For example, some people have an enlarged prostate. Which affects how often they pee,” he adds. Drinking too much alcohol can also cause frequent urination.

But if he’s urinating more than nine times a day, Mayo says the person may have an underlying problem. Overactive bladder, urinary tract infection, kidney infection, bladder stones, or diabetes. For men, frequent urination can be a sign of prostate problems. About 1 in 6 men will develop prostate cancer, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about prostate screening. If you’re not sure if you’re peeing too often, Winter suggests asking yourself these questions: Is this my quality of life? If the answer is yes, or if your urinary habits interfere with your sleep, work, or social life, see your urologist.

Excessive Intake of Caffeine or Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol increase urine output and irritate the bladder, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Drinking too much can lead to frequent urination, which can affect your quality of life and sleep, says Goldfisher. People with an overactive bladder should be especially careful about their consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as they can worsen the symptoms of an overactive bladder. Caffeine and alcohol also promote water loss through frequent urination. Therefore, not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration. Dehydration creates kidney stones and other health problems, Winter says. If it’s thick and dark, drink more water,” she adds.

Check Out the Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection is the entry of bacteria into the urethra that infects the urinary tract (including the bladder and kidneys). Symptoms include pain or a burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, a strong urge to urinate, and bloody or foul-smelling urine. Sexual activity, anatomical problems, pregnancy, and menopause are risk factors for developing UTIs, experts say. Because women’s urethra is shorter than men’s, making it easier for bacteria to enter the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections are more common in women, says Gold Fischer.

UTIs can be treated with antibiotics. But if left untreated, the infection can spread to the kidneys, according to the Mayo Clinic. There is evidence that many urinary tract infections can lead to bladder and prostate scarring and affect the ability to urinate, says Goldfisher. When diagnosing recurrent urinary tract infections in adult women. The norm is three infections per year, which should prompt evaluation by a urologist, Winter said.

UTIs are less common in men, so to be safe, Winter recommends seeing a urologist whenever you have a UTI. Urologists can look for conditions that may predispose to UTIs, such as kidney stones, low estrogen levels, or an enlarged prostate. Also, recommended appropriate treatment or prevention strategies, says Winter.

Shake Off Pink or Reddish Urine

According to Goldfisher, urine color is highly dependent on the amount of water you drink. However certain foods, vitamins, and supplements can also affect urine color. If you haven’t eaten a beet salad, your urine is pink or reddish. It could be a warning sign, and you should see or talk to your doctor, Winter says. According to the Mayo Clinic, hematuria (also called hematuria) isn’t necessarily a serious condition. However, it can be caused by underlying problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, stones, and injuries.

“Hematuria is an early warning sign of bladder cancer as well as infection,” Gold Fischer said. Adding that smoking is the most common risk factor for bladder cancer. “If you have blood in your urine and have smoked in the past, be sure to see a urologist to get it checked out.”

Do Not Take Large Doses of Vitamin C

“Too much vitamin C can cause kidney stones. There is a chance of people overdosing on vitamin C for its immune-boosting properties. That’s because even if one takes more than the recommended daily intake of vitamin C (for adults, 90 milligrams a day, according to the National Institutes of Health), it has no immune effect.

The problem is that vitamin C in your urine converts to oxalic acid.  High levels of oxalic acid in your urine can lead to kidney stones, Winter explains. Incorporating vegetables into your diet will almost certainly eliminate the medical need for vitamin C supplementation.


In light of the whole discussion, we should adopt good urinary habits. Add vegetables to your diet, and you can avoid urinary tract infections.

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